english girl at home

A Sewing & Knitting Blog, Made in Birmingham, England

#NYlon2014 Meet-Up


Last Saturday I attended a sewing meet-up in London for the first time. I was one of 71 sewists taking part in the amazing meet-up arranged by Rachel.

We took over the V&A, and then took over the Goldhawk Road!
NYlon2014 London Sewing Meet Up
Before the meet-up I was paired with the lovely Ingrid for the name-tag swap. Ingrid made me an amazing tag inspired by my love of Star Trek.
#NYlon2014 Sewing Meet-up Name Tag
I made Ingrid a mini dress name tag.
#NYlon2014 Sewing Meet-up Name Tag
Due to lots of nattering about sewing I didn’t actually spent that long shopping, but I did get three lovely fabrics all of which are going to become dresses! I could not resist that Doraemon fabric. I’ve never seen one before but the shop actually had three different Doraemon fabrics.
#NYlon2014 Sewing Meet-up Purchases

Author: Charlotte

Sewist, crafter & blogger, based in Birmingham, England. I'm spending the year growing and gathering to create natural dyes and enhance my sewing projects. Find me at www.englishgirlathome.com

9 thoughts on “#NYlon2014 Meet-Up

  1. It was lovely meeting you! You found some pretty amazing fabrics!

  2. Great fabric purchases!! The meet-up sounds like it was really good fun; the name tag is a lively memento.

  3. I can’t wait to see what you do with your fabric, especially the middle one because I’ve got some of that too!

  4. J’adore that pansy fabric! I remember now I saw it and like it (but was trying to be good! Ha!)

  5. Pingback: 2014: A Wrap-Up | english girl at home

  6. Pingback: SewBrum 2015 Wrap-Up | english girl at home

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