english girl at home

A Sewing & Knitting Blog, Made in Birmingham, England

My First Knitting Project


Hand Knitted Fox Draft Excluder
Inspired by all the gorgeous knitting projects that have been appearing on blogs lately I decided it was time to learn to knit. That was over the Christmas break so I’m rather late posting the results of my first attempt. I thought it would be a smart move to start with a non-clothing item so I didn’t have to worry about fit and could get away with some wonky stitches. Phil’s sister Lucy treated me to the Mollie Makes Woodland Friends book for Christmas and I picked the fox draft excluder as my first knitting project.
Hand Knitted Fox Draft Excluder
The wool is Patrons Fab Big, a  super chunky wool in red. He was a fairly straightforward knit, but being a newbie I did lose track and sew the wrong row part way down his body as you can see below. That’s what can happen when you’re watching tv and not paying enough attention… Phil says it looks like a roadkill tyre mark!
Hand Knitted Fox Draft Excluder
For my second knitting project I’m participating in the Owls sew along being led by Kat and Sabs. I’m being more careful with my stitches this time to ensure I make something wearable outside of the house.

Author: Charlotte

Sewist, crafter & blogger, based in Birmingham, England. I'm spending the year growing and gathering to create natural dyes and enhance my sewing projects. Find me at www.englishgirlathome.com

14 thoughts on “My First Knitting Project

  1. This is so cute! (And I think it looks like he’s wearing a little fox-coloured sweater 🙂 )

  2. super sweet. i started with an expensive wool/pattern so that i would be guilted into finishing. now i LOVE knitting [and i still wear that cardigan.]

  3. Eeek, this is SO CUTE! And as a first knitting attempt, it really does look amazing, I wish my first few attempts at finished items looked this good 🙂

    • Thank you:) If I wasn’t too lazy to go back when I noticed I’ve made a mistake it would look even better! I’m just in the process of printing out the Afternoon Blouse pattern – hoping to have a finished blouse to share soon.

  4. Can’t believe this is your first knitting project. Most people just knit a scarf! You go! Really well done. I love your little fox. I love knitting but it takes so much more time and patience than sewing 😉

    • Thanks! Yeah I’m finding knitting very slow compared to sewing – I’m impatient enough to finish sewing projects – but I assume it gets much quicker with practice.

  5. Wow, what an amazing first attempt. I shall be following your progress with interest as I can’t wait to see what dizzy heights your talents will rise to!

  6. Squeeeeal he’s so cute!

  7. I can’t believe this is your first project! My first knitting project was a crooked scarf. Not kidding.

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